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Vuelve a aparecer aqu la ntima satisfacci n de un
Vuelve p97 aparecer aquí la íntima satisfacción de un Aub cuyas obras, por expeditivas que sean —dos semanas para elaborar toda una exposición— y mediocres que puedan parecer, levantan pasiones entre los entendidos en arte porque en buena medida es a ellos, capaces de mutar la arena en oro y la impe
multidrug resistance transporter Since the Food Safety Stand
Since 2006, the Food Safety Standards Authority of India has led efforts to promote food safety, tighten food laws, and harmonise these laws with international standards and quality-management systems. These efforts need to be complemented with interventions focused on practices at the household lev
Importa recordar que el intelectual acad mico siempre se
Importa recordar que el intelectual académico siempre se ha sentido incómodo en su propia piel. Leer y escribir rigurosamente pueden ser actos radicales en sí, pero la relación del intelectual y la academia suele exigir sospecha, mucho más que la del artista y el mercado, o la del político y el part
ARQ 621 manufacturer br A manera de conclusi n El peri dico
A manera de conclusión El periódico La Lucha mantuvo una postura contra la intervención estadounidense en el proceso independentista cubano de 1895. Misma que refrendó en la coyuntura de la imposición de la Enmienda Platt. En esa ocasión utilizó un lenguaje grandilocuente que vislumbraba un futur
Devemos destacar tamb m o que entendemos por Intelectuais
Devemos destacar também o que entendemos por Intelectuais, ten-do como suporte para A 779 construção do conceito os autores Carlos Altamirano e Jean-François Sirinelli. O termo intelectual, de acordo com Sirinelli, traz em si duas acepções de natureza sociocultural, sendo uma mais ampla, marcada pel
Splicing machinery dysfunctions have been associated
Splicing machinery dysfunctions have been associated to CLL, in particular gene mutations (splicing factor 3B subunit 1) which are present in about 15% of patients . To our knowledge, no gene mutation has ever been detected in CLL. In order to broaden our knowledge on the frequency of splicing mutat
The imbalances in the current R D
The imbalances in the current R&D system were the subject of the 2012 report of WHO\'s Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development (CEWG). The CEWG recommended a global binding agreement that provides a needs-driven and evidence-based framework for R&D, guided by the core principle
Because of the high amplitude
Because of the high amplitude of atrial signals, atrial sensitivity was decreased from 0.5mV to 0.7mV to 1.0mV. As the sensitivity decreased, atrial sensing was restored gradually. With the sensitivity of 1.0mV, normal atrial sensing with mode switching was restored completely. The sensitivity was p
br Conflict of interest br Introduction Gastric
Conflict of interest Introduction Gastric cancer is a major cause of cancer deaths worldwide, particularly in East Asia. Metastatic gastric cancer is associated with poor outcomes. The median overall survival of metastatic gastric cancer ranges from 9 to 13 months despite treated with systemic
br In this issue of
In this issue of , Tiffany Chao and colleagues present a systematic, comprehensive, and critical assessment of published estimates of the cost-effectiveness of essential surgery, and thus make an important contribution to the published work on the economics of global health interventions. Their he
En toda su trayectoria una
En toda su trayectoria una constante que ha sido reconocida por la comunidad académica y por él mismo, en diversas ocasiones, fue la de “bautizar los nuevos animales”, la de crear conceptos para fenómenos nuevos que consideró específicos, en el marco de la búsqueda en su última etapa de una teoría d
La relaci n entre el narcotr fico y los
La relación entre el narcotráfico y los grupos guerrilleros y los paramilitares se ha dado: “[…] no sólo como fuente de financiación sino como actor con intereses propios, ya que han aumentado significativamente las ‘familias’ que se dedican al tráfico de drogas, que a su vez están aumentando sus fo
Rabies has no cure and by the
Rabies has no cure, and by the time of clinical onset it is invariably fatal. More than 95% of deaths occur in Africa and Asia, 80% of which are in people living in rural, underserved populations, most of whom are children. Community awareness about the power of preventing dog bites and of life-savi
To verify this hypothesis OGD was adopted to
To verify this hypothesis, OGD was adopted to mimic cerebral ischemic injury in rat cortical astrocyte-neuron co-cultures in the present study. This co-cultures system allows us to manipulate astrocytes and neurons respectively, and simultaneously allows the two kinds of cells to exchange soluble me
order BYL-719 br LEGADO FUJIMORISTA No seu segundo mandato G
LEGADO FUJIMORISTA No seu segundo mandato, García abandonou as veleidades esquerdistas realizando um governo abertamente neoliberal. Embora em campanha criticasse o modelo de exploração mineira em que se assentava o crescimento peruano, praticamente eximindo as empresas de obrigações tributárias
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